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exit_function - strange behavior

Dear zsh-maintainers,

first of all, I'm not a mail-subscriber but please respond to this email anyway ^_^

In the function doc for zshexit it states:
> Executed at the point where the main shell is about to exit normally. This is not called by exiting subshells...

Having read that the following session yields a surprising result (at least for me):

debian-dell% echo $ZSH_VERSION # Running on Debian Buster
debian-dell% __zshrc_exit(){ echo "__zshrc_exit in subshell $ZSH_SUBSHELL with $?"; }
debian-dell% zshexit_functions+=(__zshrc_exit)
debian-dell% ( echo foo )
debian-dell% ( exit 123 )
__zshrc_exit in subshell 1 with 123  # <---

On the other hand the exit function seems to be not called for the main shell, when a subshell called 'exit' immediately before:

debian-dell% zsh -f -c '__zshrc_exit(){ echo "__zshrc_exit in subshell $ZSH_SUBSHELL with $?"; }; zshexit_functions+=(__zshrc_exit); (exit 123);'
__zshrc_exit in subshell 1 with 123

In case that this is desired behavior, how would one execute custom code *only* on exit of the main-shell?

Thanks in advance
Kind regards
Tycho Kirchner

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