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PATCH: promptinit: only exclude current theme from preview if no arguments are given

Noticed it's actually quite confusing to run
% prompt -p mikachu

and get no output, therefore only exclude the current theme from the
default set, not from explicitly given arguments.

 Functions/Prompts/promptinit | 5 ++---
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/promptinit b/Functions/Prompts/promptinit
index 20503d78b6..0c06699e8c 100644
--- a/Functions/Prompts/promptinit
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/promptinit
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ set_prompt() {
     -c              Show currently selected theme and parameters
     -l              List currently available prompt themes
-    -p [<themes>]   Preview given themes (defaults to all)
+    -p [<themes>]   Preview given themes (defaults to all except current theme)
     -h [<theme>]    Display help (for given theme)
     -s <theme>      Set and save theme
     <theme>         Switch to new theme immediately (changes not saved)
@@ -120,10 +120,9 @@ Use prompt -h <theme> for help on specific themes.'
        print $prompt_themes
-    p) preview=( $prompt_themes )
+    p) preview=( ${prompt_themes:#$prompt_theme} )
        (( $#* > 1 )) && preview=( "$@[2,-1]" )
        for theme in $preview; do
-         [[ "$theme" == "$prompt_theme[*]" ]] && continue
          prompt_preview_safely "$=theme"
        print -P "%b%f%k"

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