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Re: [RFC PATCH 0/3] Improve defaults

On Tue, Aug 23, 2022 at 9:37 PM Felipe Contreras
<felipe.contreras@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> It doesn't make much sense to specify so many options when simple
> defaults can do it.

Personally speaking, I disapprove of almost every hunk of this
patchset.  Side-effects upon existing uses of "fc -p" are not
considered, nor are use cases involving SHARE_HISTORY, APPEND_HISTORY,
INC_APPEND_HISTORY, and HIST_SAVE_NO_DUPS, although I suppose in most
of the latter cases users will already be populating the full set of

Specifically with respect to the value of HISTFILE, the use of
".histfile" in zsh-newuser-install has always been a bit questionable
and seems to assume a $ZDOTDIR exists ... a previous common practice
was to use ~/.zhistory (although the only place that's codified is in
the csh-to-zsh conversion script c2z).

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