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Re: read -d $'\200' doesn't work with set +o multibyte (and [PATCH])

On 10 Dec, Stephane Chazelas wrote:
> Is a requirement on the *application*, not the implementation.
> That is, it only specifies what's meant to happen when the input
> doesn't contain NULs.
> So I think we're good here.

Ok, good. I'm afraid I'm not very good at interpreting the specific
language used in those standards.

> I'm susbscribed to both austin-group-l and zsh-workers but don't
> follow them very closely. I try to mention things relevant to
> zsh here when I spot them on austin-group-l and I try to argue
> there about things that would conflict with the zsh way for no
> good reason.

Thanks for passing such things on. I did subscribe some time ago but
time is limited and it didn't spark joy so I unsubscribed. I still have
a login for the site at least.

> GB18030 and BIG5/BIG5-HKSCS may still be relevant. They don't
> work on Shift state like Shift-JIS, but many of their characters
> have bytes <= 0x7f, and zsh doesn't really work with them for
> that reason.

Thanks for the answer.


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