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A novel, unprecedented approach to command line - n-commodore

by accident, I might have discovered a novel approach to command line
- a merge of Midnight Commander panels with pure shell. Basically,
n-commodore, the project that does this, panelizes each command that
you enter and allows multi-keyword grepping. Up to this point, it's
like fzf. However, by use of db/gdbm module, n-commodore's also:
- allows a persistent save of each of the screens (even of the help
screen, e.g.),
- the screens are saved and indexed, for later retrieval via
- they save not only the panel, but also: current PWD, active line in
the panel, search query/command line buffer and restores them on

n-commodore is a Zsh script implemented on top of Zui library.
Persistence is done via db/gdbm module. You can clone the repo and
simply run bin/n-c or use a plugin manager (alias `nc` will be then
set up). The login shell can be Bash or any other, if zsh will be

Asciicast: https://asciinema.org/a/577630
Homepage: https://github.com/psprint/n-commodore

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