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named capture groups with PCRE matching (Was: PATCH: migrate pcre module to pcre2)

2023-05-06 01:35:46 +0200, Oliver Kiddle:
> When looking at PCRE documentation for this, other ideas for extensions
> I saw would be to support:
>  * named capture groups
>    (either to an associative array or to variables directly?)

I was thinking about that when answering

Maybe we could do:

typeset -A match
if [[ aa =~ '(?<foo>.)(?<bar>)' ]]
  print -r -- $match[foo] $match[bar]

That is if $match is an associative array, store the named
capture groups there. Same for pcre_match -a array (or add a -A
assoc there)

There's the question of $mbegin / $mend. Should all three
$match, $mbegin and $mend be automatically converted to assoc if
any of them is an assoc?


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