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Should (z) PE flag split & during expansion?

The following:

printf '<%s>' ${(z)${:-'!-2:&'}}

Yields this:


Which does not make sense if we consider that & is valid in parameter
expansions. At least for history expansions, such as would be the case
for the following setup:

echo foo_replaceme_bar
echo baz_replaceme_qux
!-2:s/replaceme/subst/ && !-1:&

I realize the manual (14.1.4) states "In parameter expansion the &
must appear inside braces, and in filename generation it must be
quoted with a backslash."

But even so, the following:

printf '<%s>' ${(z)${:-'!{-2:&}'}}

Yields this:


This was identified in issue #929 in zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
on GitHub.


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