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Re: [bug] Completion functions _files/_path_files -F filter on escaped file names

Le 22/06/2023 à 05:54, Bart Schaefer a écrit :
On Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 12:29 PM Johan Grande <nahoj@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Do you think that this behavior could be fixed?

We could try this.  However, it's not backward-compatible for people
who are already quoting spaces etc. for _files -F patterns.

After looking at your suggestion and other, existing completions such as _git, I get the impression that I shouldn't use _files but rather mimic its basic behavior with _multi_parts and have more flexibility in filtering matches. I assume I'll lose some perks of _files but it'll hopefully fit my needs.

If you have any tips or a good example to study, I'll be grateful.

What I'll be aiming to do is:
- complete will all files under a path filtered with a regex or an arbitrary command - contrary to _git, I won't have a root dir so if I'm working in a directory with >10k files under it, I might want to suggest only immediate children in the first instance rather than browse everything at once.



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