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Re: [PATCH 1/1] Update softwareupdate completion for macOS 13

Thank you for the update.

I've never used softwareupdate, but it seems _softwareupdate needs
some more updates.
(1) The output format of 'softwareupdate --list' has changed and
the current _softwareupdate_ignored_update_name() doesn't work.
(this is rather hard to test since 'softwareupdate --list' gives
nothing if your Mac is fully updated)
(2) --download requires one or more update names.

The patch below (against the current master) also includes:
(3) use '+ (option_group)' for mutually exclusive options.
(4) complete version numbers of available macOS full installers.
(5) some simplifications (do not call _arguments multiple times, etc.)

diff --git a/Completion/Darwin/Command/_softwareupdate b/Completion/Darwin/Command/_softwareupdate
index 6054fd768..e4bdede86 100644
--- a/Completion/Darwin/Command/_softwareupdate
+++ b/Completion/Darwin/Command/_softwareupdate
@@ -1,75 +1,105 @@
 #compdef softwareupdate
-_softwareupdate_ignored_update_name() {
-  if [[ -z "$_softwareupdate_ignored_updates" ]]; then
-    local res="$(_call_program pkgs softwareupdate --ignored)"
-    _softwareupdate_ignored_updates=("${(Qs/, /)${${res#Current ignored updates: \(}%\)}}")
-  fi
-  if (( ${#_softwareupdate_ignored_updates} > 0 )); then
-    _wanted pkgs expl "ignored package" compadd -a _softwareupdate_ignored_updates && return 0
-  fi
-  return 1
+# rebuild cache for available updates everyday (ad hoc)
+_softwareupdate_caching_policy() {
+  local -a newer=( "$1"(Nmd-1) )
+  return $#newer
-_softwareupdate_update_name() {
-  local name line
-  if [[ -z "$_softwareupdate_updates" ]]; then
+# completes available updates (with description)
+_softwareupdate_update_names () {
+  local name line update_policy ret=1
+  local cache_id=softwareupdate-updates
+  zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy update_policy
+  if [[ -z "$update_policy" ]]; then
+    zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy \
+                                      _softwareupdate_caching_policy
+ fi
+ if { [[ ! -v _softwareupdate_updates ]] || _cache_invalid $cache_id } &&
+    ! _retrieve_cache $cache_id; then
+    # Output format of 'softwareupdate --list' seems to be not stable,
+    # but at least on macOS 12 and 13 it contains the following two lines
+    # for each update:
+    #* Label: update name (may contain spaces)
+    #        Title: description of the update (single TAB before Title:)
+    # softwareupdate(1) manpage says the '*' before the Label: is replaced
+    # by '-' for non-recommended updates (but I've never seen it).
-    for line in ${(f)"$(_call_program pkgs softwareupdate --list)"}; do
-      if [[ $line == '   '* ]]; then
-        name="${line#   ? }"
-      elif [[ -n "$name" ]]; then
-        _softwareupdate_updates+=("$name:${line#	}")
-        name=""
+    for line in ${(f)"$(_call_program updates softwareupdate --list)"}; do
+      if [[ $line = [-\*]\ Label:\ (#b)(*) ]]; then
+        # add '*' or '-' in front of the name; this will be removed later
+        name=$line[1]$match[1]
+      elif [[ -n $name && $line = $'\t'Title:\ (#b)(*) ]]; then
+        _softwareupdate_updates+=( $name:$match[1] )
+        name=
+    _store_cache $cache_id _softwareupdate_updates
-  if (( ${#_softwareupdate_updates} > 0 )); then
-    _describe -t pkgs "update name" _softwareupdate_updates && return 0
-  fi
-  return 1
+  # recommended and non-recommended updates
+  local rec=( ${${_softwareupdate_updates:#-*}#\*} )
+  local non=( ${${(M)_softwareupdate_updates:#-*}#-} )
+  _describe -t updates "update" rec && ret=0
+  _describe -t non-recommended-updates "non-recommended update" non && ret=0
+  return ret
-_softwareupdate() {
-  local context state line expl
-  typeset -A opt_args
+# completes versions of available macOS full installer (with description)
-  _arguments -R \
-    '(-h --help -l --list)-q[quiet mode]' \
-    {-l,--list}'[list all available updates]:*:' \
-    {-d,--download}'[download to directory set in InternetConfig]:*:' \
-    {-i,--install}'[install (requires root)]:*: :->install' \
-    '--ignored[show or manage ignored updates list (per-user)]:*:: :->ignored' \
-    '--schedule[scheduler preferences (per-user)]:automatic checking:(on off)' \
-    {-h,--help}'[print command usage]:*:' && return 0
+_softwareupdate_installer_versions () {
+  local versions=()
+  for line in ${(f)"$(_call_program installer-versions
+                        softwareupdate --list-full-installers)"}; do
+    if [[ $line = \*\ Title:\ *\ Version:\ (#b)([0-9.]##)* ]]; then
+      versions+=( ${match[1]}:${line#*Title: } )
+    fi
+  done
+  _describe -t insteller-versions "version" versions
-  case "$state" in
-    install)
-      _arguments \
-        '(* -a --all)'{-a,--all}'[all available active updates]' \
-        '(* -r --req)'{-r,--req}'[all required active updates]' \
-        '*:update name:_softwareupdate_update_name' && return 0
-      ;;
-    ignored)
-      local -a ignored_subcmd
-      ignored_subcmd=(add remove)
+# main completion script
+local -a specs
-      if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
-        _describe -t commands "subcommand" ignored_subcmd && return 0
-      fi
-      case $words[1] in
-        add)
-          _softwareupdate_update_name && return 0
-          ;;
-        remove)
-          _arguments \
-            '(* -a --all)'{-a,--all}'[all available active updates]' \
-            '*:update name:_softwareupdate_ignored_update_name' && return 0
-          ;;
-      esac
-      ;;
-  esac
-  return 1
+if (( ${words[(I)(-i|--install)]} == 0 )); then
+  specs=(
+    '--no-scan[do not scan when listing or installing updates]'
+    '--product-types[limit a scan to a particular product type only]:list of product types'
+    '--products[a comma separated list of product keys to operate on]:list of product keys'
+    '--force[force an operation to complete]'
+    '--agree-to-license[agree to the software license agreement without user interaction]'
+    '--verbose[enable verbose output]'
+    '(* -)'{-h,--help}'[print command usage]:*:'
+    + '(operation)'
+    {-l,--list}'[list all available updates]'
+    {-d,--download}'[download but not install specified updates]:*: : _softwareupdate_update_names'
+    {-i,--install}'[download and install specified updates]'
+    '--list-full-installers[list the available macOS installers]'
+    '(* -)--fetch-full-installer[install the latest recommended macOS installer]: :(--full-installer-version): : _softwareupdate_installer_versions'
+    '--install-rosetta[install Rosetta 2 (Apple Silicon only)]'
+    '--schedule[returns the per-machine automatic check preference]'
+    '--background[trigger a background scan and update operation]'
+    '--dump-state[log the internal state of the SU daemon to /var/log/install.log]'
+    '--evaluate-products[evaluate a list of product keys specified by the --products option]'
+    '--history[show the install history]'
+  )
+else    # if -i/--install is already on the command line
+  specs=(
+    !{-i,--install}
+    '(-R --restart)'{-R,--restart}'[automatically restart if required to complete installation]'
+    '--stdinpass[password to authenticate as an owner (Apple Silicon only)]'
+    '--user[local username to authenticate as an owner (Apple Silicon only)]'
+    '*: : _softwareupdate_update_names'
+    + '(select-updates)'
+    '(*)'{-a,--all}'[all updates that are applicable to your system]'
+    '(*)'{-r,--recommended}'[all updates that are recommended for your system]'
+    '(*)--os-only[only macOS updates]'
+    '(*)--safari-only[only Safari updates]'
+  )
-_softwareupdate "$@"
+_arguments -s : $specs

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