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Re: [feature] Provide a pkg-config file

Wu Zhenyu wrote:
> bash-completion has a pkg-config file, developers who want to provide completions can get the directory by

Developers who want to provide completions with their software should
install them below the install prefix of their software. So where their
software installs to $PREFIX/bin, $PREFIX/man, $PREFIX/lib etc, they
should drop a completion function in $PREFIX/share/zsh/site-functions

This is consistent with how things operate for other things such as man
pages, GNU info pages and even pkg-config files. The system
administrator needs to ensure that variables such as MANPATH are set
accordingly. It may be the case that this causes completion functions to
be installed in a directory that isn't in zsh's default $fpath but
that's the responsibility of the system administrator to configure.

Software dumping files outside of it's designated installation prefix is
something that should be avoided.


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