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Re: Failed pipeline doesn't err_exit/return if complex command last

Le 16/07/2023 à 16:36, Peter Stephenson a écrit :
On Fri, 2023-07-14 at 20:31 +0200, Johan Grande wrote:
Le 06/07/2023 à 11:44, Peter Stephenson a écrit :
On 06/07/2023 00:18 Johan Grande <nahoj@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I noticed a strange behavior when using a complex command in a pipeline.
So in a nutshell

I'm curious about the process: whether the bug is likely going to be
fixed, and whether it's tracked somewhere public.

No urgency or pressure in my request, I'm just happy to follow up.

There's nowhere to look, other than this list --- if someone here doesn't
pick it up, no one is going to.

This area of the code has given a number of us sleepless nights over the
years, with many hours spent trying to resolve subtle job control issues,
so unless someone happens to spot some key clue, I doubt it's going anywhere
very fast.  Every now and then there are bursts of activity, however.

Understood, thank you for your answer.

In the meantime, the problem is easily worked around by suffixing every pipeline with || return $?.


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