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(LC_ALL=C; set -x 128 129; printf "%s\n" ${(#)@} | hexdump -C)

Something very wrong seems to be happening here, not sure what or how that
could happen:

$ zsh -c 'LC_ALL=C; set -x 128 129; printf "%s\n" ${(#)@} | hexdump -C'
+zsh:1> printf '"%s\n"' ''
+zsh:1> hexdump -C
00000000  22 0a 22                                          |"."|

(with git HEAD as well) on Ubuntu 22.04 amd64.

Does not happen without LC_ALL=C or with just "set -x 128" or with values <
128, or with printf "%s\n" $'\200' $'\201'


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