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Bart Schaefer wrote:
> diff --git a/README b/README
> index cb6d380aa..250b1d26e 100644
> --- a/README
> +++ b/README
> +The `watch' parameter and `log' command have moved to an autoloaded module.

That was already done before 5.9 and dana mentioned it in the NEWS file
updates for that release.

That change is perhaps best suited to the list of incompatibilities so
perhaps that's why you missed it. I rather doubt that end users will
follow what's going on with the release notes being split between NEWS
and README. I prefer the format used by the git project for release

> +Many Completion/ functions have been updated to recent versions of their
> +corresponding commands, so the results offered may have changed.

That sentence applies for every release we ever do. Has been rather
fewer changes of that sort since 5.9 than we have in most releases.


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