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Re: 5.9 core dumps under zleentry->zleread->zlecore

On Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 12:00 AM Johan Ström <johan@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Just had three terminals crash on me at once (after interacting with
> them each).

Given that the stack traces are all different, this suggests that
something happening earlier is corrupting memory, which then causes an
unrelated error.

1.  If possible, try building the latest dev revision.  There was
recently a patch to resolve a number of issues flagged by Coverity
code flow analysis.  There's also been a bad free fixed in process
substitution (edge case not easily reached) and a fix for a reference
counting error when using "zle -F" to watch file descriptors.

2.  Is there anything you're having zsh do while terminal input is
idle?  ALRM handler (e.g., to update title bar), "zle -F" (see above),
a "periodic" function, use of the zsh/sched module, etc.?

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