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Completion oddities

Maybe I'm just confused.

It appears that setting MENUSELECT globally, overrides the "no-select"
string in the "menu" zstyle.  I would think it should be the other way

When the "original" style is true for _approximate and _correct, the
REC_EXACT option seems to be ignored.  Is there a way around that?

According to _complete_debug output, this is the context _approximate
is using for looking up a style when called from _correct_word (that
is, as "_main_complete _correct"):
    zstyle -t ":completion:correct-word:correct-1:::" original
Appending the count to the completer is documented for _approximate
but not mentioned in _correct.

The way that the function field of a context is computed is a bit
annoying.  For example, if I call
    zle _correct_word
from _generic, then instead of the widget name in the function slot,
the function is correct-word.  This makes it impossible to specify
styles for the widget separately from styles for using _correct_word
directly. It's done this way by a large number of functions.

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