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Re: [PATCH 0/2] incompatible-poiner-types bug fixes

If configure incorrectly decides (or is incorrectly told) that boolcodes or numcodes do not exist, you end up with a naming conflict at compile-time. This happened while I was testing my changes. I suspect, but don't know for sure, that this also happened at some point with strcodes since the handling of that variable is different than how boolcodes and numcodes are handled. Regardless, the naming change prevents the naming conflict, and the defines prevent added complexity on the for-loops and simplifies the strcodes for-loop handling.

Moreover, these changes align the handling of all three variables, boolcodes, numcodes, strcodes, in a type-safe and name-safe manner.


Nicholas Vinson

On 12/10/23 17:45, Bart Schaefer wrote:
On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 1:50 PM Nicholas Vinson <nvinson234@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This patch series fixes several bugs found by compiling with
We've already got a patch for this from Florian Weimer
<fweimer@xxxxxxxxxx> in workers/52383.  Is the zboolcodes naming and
BOOLCODES define in Src/Modules/termcap.c actually necessary?

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