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Re: Colors

> I just started using color-ls with a color-xterm last month, and I'm
> addicted to it now.
> But now when I use tab compeltion in zsh for cd and ls it feels weak.
> What I'd like is for:
> 	less d<tab>
> to look exactly the same as:
> 	ls -d d*
> Is it in theory possible to do the above with compctl? If not how
> might we add it?

Not with compctl, but somebody has a patch to do it.  It was rejected
for the standard release in favour of (one day) dynamically loadable
extensions to do this kind of thing.  I don't remember the URL for the
patches, unfortunately.  I'm sure somebody can, or you could search the
mail archives.

> Zsh currently supports making the prompts bold, etc. Has anyone played
> with trying to give them certain colors?

Sure.  Look at the %{..%} codes.  For example, I have

PS1="%{$(print -n '\e[46;34;1m')%}%@, %D{%A %d %B} %m%#%{$(print -n '\e[m')%} "

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