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Re: Contrl-Z action.

> :But I've got a question. Once I came up why I want to have my job
> :suspended by pressing Cntrl-Z ? Ok, I want it to run in background
> :right after that. In another words how to (where) redefine action of
> :Ctrl-Z?  Any comments why nobody should change it are also very
> :welcome.
> I can't think of a elegant way of doing this automatically without a lot of
> overhead.  What you could do is
> % bindkey -s "^Z" "bg^M"
> then when you suspend something, press CTRL-Z again and it will put it in the
> background.

Thanks, I will probably do it this way though actually I was thinking
about changing the sources... :)

But anyway suggestions about eliminating the second Ctrl-Z are welcome.

Alexey A. Solovyov

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