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Re: ANSI zsh? (GNU 3.13 ls ORPHAN color patch)

Aki Vehtari said:
> The GNU ls is part of the GNU fileutils and "--color=tty" option was
> added to GNU ls in fileutils-3.13 (which is the latest version AFAIK)

Sorry to continue this off-topic thread but I found that the GNU version
(3.13) of color-ls does not support the, very useful, ORPHAN color for
dangling symbolic links.  I have a patch which works on our irix and sun
systems (below) but I'm wondering if there is a better one around.

--- ls.c.~1~	Mon Jul  8 00:23:47 1996
+++ ls.c	Fri Sep 20 11:43:26 1996
@@ -1593,6 +1593,7 @@
   files[files_index].linkname = 0;
   files[files_index].linkmode = 0;
+  files[files_index].linkok = 1;
   if (explicit_arg || format_needs_stat)
@@ -1638,7 +1639,8 @@
 	  if (linkpath
 	      && ((explicit_arg && format != long_format)
 		  || indicator_style != none)
-	      && stat (linkpath, &linkstats) == 0)
+	      && (files[files_index].linkok =
+		  (stat (linkpath, &linkstats) == 0) ) )
 	      /* Symbolic links to directories that are mentioned on the
 	         command line are automatically traced if not being

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