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Re: zsh lists being used for spam-gathering?

sweth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx said:
> if i were to start spamming people, actually, listservs are one of
> the  first places i would turn to for addresses--since list-moms tend
> to prune out  defunct addresses fairly quickly, the spammer would have
> a much higher ratio of  valid-to-invalid addresses.

Well, Peter's commented that the zsh list software won't give out addresses.  
In any case, I wonder how many addresses there are that are gettable from list 
servers?  I'd guess it would be perhaps O(10^4), perhaps O(10^5).  If I 
believe some of the spam I get offering email lists, O(10^6) is the kind of 
figure that's typical.  Mailing lists just strike me as too small to be worth 
the effort of writing the software to interrogate them all.

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