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Re: New user questions

Andrew Morton wrote:

> Well thanks everyone for all the help.  Just about everything is working
> sweetly (better than the old shell, actually).
> Trolling through the magic commands in
> /usr/share/zsh/3.1.6-dev-20/functions/Commands/ helped a lot.
> A few more observations:
> - The zshbuiltins manpage doesn't cover 'bindkey'

Because it's not defined by the shell core, but by the zle module. See 

> ...
> - The _history-complete-older function does exactly what I wanted for
> searching back through word history!
> - _history-complete-older has a bug.  In this example it is bound to ^R:
> prompt> echo aa "bb" cc
> prompt> echo ^R			# OK, gives echo cc
> prompt> echo ^R^R               # oops.  gives echo aa
> It is skipping quoted words in its search.

It's not a bug, it's intentional: it explicitly excludes words
starting with any of [$'"]. That was the behaviour shown by the
compctl option for history completion, but now that we have
ignored-patterns it indeed doesn't seem to make sense any more.

> ...
> Question: How do I, within .zshrc, simply erase _all_ preexisting
> bindings and start afresh?  I've tried everything.
> pwold011:/home/morton> bindkey -l
> .safe
> emacs
> main
> vicmd
> viins
> pwold011:/home/morton> bindkey -D emacs vicmd viins
> pwold011:/home/morton> bindkey -l
> .safe
> main
> pwold011:/home/morton> bindkey -D main
> No such keymap `main'

`main' is (internally) really only an alias or some kind of pointer to 
the keymap currently used. Keymap handling (or zle/widget stuff in
general) is one of the things we might have a look at after 3.2/4.0 is 
out. I think.

Besides... do you *really* want to remove all keymaps and begin from
scratch? Why? You would have to add all those self-insert bindings,
the cursor movement, etc etc etc. Rather tedious.


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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