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GLOB_DOTS and special_dirs in coexistense

I hope someone can help me with this:

I have declared
zstyle ':completion:*' special-dirs '..'
because I really like things like
cd ..
to be expanded to
cd ../
but I dont want it to match when its not the top...
except when its .. again
cd ../../../../ and so on

Lets say I only have a single dir called 'adir' inside 'somedir'.
Then when writing
cd somedir/
when I [TAB] with GLOB_DOTS enabled I get .. as an option.
If I turn off GLOB_DOTS it works just fine (expanding to 'adir'
since its the only option) but I really like GLOB_DOTS...

Also I dont want
cd .
expanded to
cd ../
if there are other dot-file(s)/dot-dir(s)

same goes for ls and all other dir and file completeres...

So how do I make this work?
preferable without compctl...

its zsh 4.0.2 if its any help.

use Inline C => qq{void p(char*g){printf("Just Another %s Hacker\n",g);}};p("Perl");

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