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Re: Titlebar-handling with zsh and screen

[  date  ] 2002/03/09 | Saturday | 05:12 AM
[ author ] Juhapekka Tolvanen <juhtolv@xxxxxxxxx> 

> So, please download my shellconfigs and check out files dot.zshrc and
> dot.screenrc and try to find bugs or other errors. They seem to work for
> me, but I am not very sure, why on earth they work.
To make it work with: 

    Terminal.app    (Mac OS X)
    Terminal.app    (NeXTstep)
    Stuart.app      (NeXTstep)

add the following to the case statement in your dot.zshrc 

- - - - 8< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (( $+TERM_PROGRAM && $+TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION )) ||  # Terminal.app
     (( $+STUART ))                                     # Stuart.app
        print -Pn "\e]0;${TITLETEXT}\a"

        writeexectitle $1
        print -Pn '\e]0;'"${EXECTEXT1}"
        print -rn "${EXECTEXT2}"
        print -Pn '\a'
- - - - 8< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mac OS X and NeXTstep users will also need to add the following line
to dot.screenrc.

    termcapinfo vt100 'hs:ts=\E]0;:fs007:ds=\E]0;'

This termcapinfo line is probably wrong for everyone else, though.

PS: The NeXTstep stuff is hypothetical, because I don't have
    screen installed on my NeXT slab, and it only has an
    old zsh from 1994.

        [[ $VERSION = 2.5.02 ]]   # to be exact

    It doesn't know about %y (for putting the tty info in the
    title bar) and the preexec() function means nothing to it.

    (I tried to compile zsh-4.0.4 a while ago, but it didn't get
    very far using gcc 2.5.8....  However, it was a pleasant
    surprise when vim-6 compiled and worked.)

package wuv'apqvjgt;($_=join('',(*PgtnHcemgt))) # print map "beppu\@$_\n", qw(
=~ s/([HaP])(?!e)/ \U>$1/g;s/^.|:| (?=A)|>//g;y # cpan.org  lbox.org  binq.org
/c-z/a-u/;print"J$_\n";#$^%$^X@.^ <!-- japh --> # oss.lineo.com codepoet.org);

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