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Possible bug in completion?

I'm using the debian zsh-beta package:
zsh 4.1.0-dev-4 (i686-pc-linux-gnu)

and I came across this little thing...

If I type something like:

for FILE in /v/o/in/so<tab>

Then that completes to:

for FILE in /var/oscar/incoming/sounds/

Which is right. But if I try and do the same thing again zsh seg
faults. I tried using zsh -f, and once compinit is loaded the above
still occurs:

grover:/home/alan>zsh -f                
grover% autoload -U compinit
grover% compinit
grover% for FILE in /var/oscar/incoming/sounds/* ;do;done
grover% for FILE in /v/o/in/sozsh: segmentation fault  zsh -f

If it's any help, /var/oscar is mounted using nfs from a remote
Alan Third

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