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compinit problems with Cygwin and Win2000


I am using cygwin zsh-4.0.4 on win2000

When I try to use the new completion system I get a huge dump of 
functions to stdout (see below) the second time I run a shell.

My .zshrc contains just 3 lines:

   fpath=(~/.zfunc /cygdrive/c/vjo/cygwin/usr/share/zsh/4.0.4/functions)
   autoload -U compinit

compinit creates a file called .zcompdump, which apparently is sourced
the next time I run a shell. The last two lines in this file are

autoload -U
autoload -U +X _call_program

The 'autoload -U' line is responsible for the dump of functions. Looking
at the compdump function I suspect that it was meant to autoload a lot
of completion functions (_* in $fpath[2])

It seems to fail in

typeset _d_als_
_d_als=($(whence -wm '_*' | sort |
while read -rA _d_line; do
  [[ ${_d_line[2]} = function ]] && print -r - ${_d_line[1]%:}

compinit output (296 lines):

compdump () {
	# undefined
	builtin autoload -XU
compinit () {
	emulate -L zsh
	setopt extendedglob
	typeset _i_dumpfile _i_files _i_line _i_done _i_dir _i_autodump=1
	typeset _i_tag _i_file _i_addfiles _i_fail=ask _i_check=yes _i_name
	while [[ $# -gt 0 && $1 = -[dDiuC] ]]
		case "$1" in
			-d) _i_autodump=1 
				if [[ $# -gt 0 && "$1" != -[dfQC] ]]

	return 0
compinstall () {
	# undefined
	builtin autoload -XU

Vagn J

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