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Re: aliases not getting expanded inside functions?

On Jan 6,  6:29am, Carlos Carvalho wrote:
} % a[1]=name1 a[2]=name2 etc.
} % b[1]=b_name1 b[2]=b_name2 etc.
} and then to do the transfer
} for ((i=1; i< number-of-elements; i++)) {
} 	: ${(P)b[i]::=$a[i]}
} }

I presume you mean ${(P)${b[i]}::=${(P)${a[i]}}}, but I can't figure out
_why_ you'd want to do that.

This sort of question often results from a sequence of events along the
lines of:  Problem X is encountered.  Solution Y is considered.  Attempt
to implement Y fails at detail Z.  The list is asked how to accomplish Z.

Nearly as often, the right thing is instead to ask the list how to solve
problem X, because there's a better solution than Y.

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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