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Justifying text output

I wrote a little script[1] that compiles the main zsh config files. Is
there any way to make the "[ ok ]"/"[ failed ]" messages on the right

! ERROR:    /etc/zsh/zprofile - directory not writable  [ failed ]
* compiling /home/thorsten/.zsh/.zlogin  [ ok ]
* compiling /home/thorsten/.zsh/.zshrc  [ ok ]
* compiling /home/thorsten/.zshenv  [ ok ]

Should be like that
! ERROR:    /etc/zsh/zprofile - directory not writable  [ failed ]
* compiling /home/thorsten/.zsh/.zlogin                 [ ok ]
* compiling /home/thorsten/.zsh/.zshrc                  [ ok ]
* compiling /home/thorsten/.zshenv                      [ ok ]

The problem is that there may be an error or no error whether I
execute this script as root or as a normal user. And some files don't
exist (/etc/zprofile and /etc/profile.d/zshell.zsh on Gentoo and
/etc/zsh/zprofile in Cygwin). So the output differs from case to case.


| #! /bin/zsh -f
| emulate -LR zsh
| autoload -U colors
| colors  # zshcontrib(1)
| ltgreen=$fg_bold[green]
| ltred=$fg_bold[red]
| white=$fg_no_bold[white]
| for file in /etc/profile.d/zshell.zsh \
|             /etc/zsh/zprofile         \
|             /etc/zprofile             \
|             ~/.zsh/.zlogin            \
|             ~/.zsh/.zshrc             \
|             ~/.zshenv
| do if   [[ -e $file && ! -r $file ]]
|    then echo "${ltred}* ${white}ERROR:    $file - file not readable  [ ${ltred}failed ${white}]"
|    elif [[ -e $file && ! -w $(dirname $file) ]]
|    then echo "${ltred}! ${white}ERROR:    $file - directory not writable  [ ${ltred}failed ${white}]"
|    elif [[ -r $file && -w $(dirname $file) ]]
|    then echo "${ltgreen}* ${white}compiling $file  [ ${ltgreen}ok ${white}]"
|         zcompile -R $file
|    fi
| done

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