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Re: 4.2.0 released

Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Assorted thoughts ...
> On Mar 19, 11:36am, Peter Stephenson wrote:
> }
> } - Suffix aliases allow the shell to run a command on a file by suffix,
> }   e.g `alias -s ps=gv' makes `foo.ps' execute `gv foo.ps'.  Supplied
> }   function zsh-mime-setup uses existing mailcap and mime.types files
> }   to set up suitable aliases.
> Reading that, I wonder ... why did we do this with suffixes?  Why not be
> Unix-like rather than DOS-like:  check /etc/magic on any file that the OS
> fails to execute, and choose the command based on that?

... or perhaps to rely on a regex match on the file name, instead
of either a suffix or /etc/magic.

> Of course that would have required a module.

Would it require a module simply if it's a regex match?

> [ ... ]

 Lloyd Zusman

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