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Re: Coolest prompt?

Ziggy <myrmidon@xxxxxxxxxxx> typed:
: ZSH allows the user to create interesting prompts. Time displaying, menu bars 
: and colors.
: Post your prompt (and .zshrc) here.

No-one seems to use POSTEDIT for their setup so I thought I'd post mine to
give people some more ideas.  Here's what I've been using for some years
which only uses normal and bold text.  (Also note, generally the %s%u%m at
the start of the PROMPT is redundant so it could be ripped it out if you use

PROMPT='%b%s%u%m:%B%3c%b%# %B'
RPROMPT="%b%?:${SHLVL}:%h:%l %B%D{%F %R}%b"
POSTEDIT=`print -P -n %b`


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