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Re: Change directory on invocation of zsh

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004, Michael Prokop wrote:

> little wrapper in my zsh config:
>   ,---- [ /etc/zsh/zshrc ]

Why zshrc rather than zshenv?  The wrong ~/.zshenv will be loaded if $HOME 
is not set correctly before the end of the global zshenv.

>   | if [[ -z "$HOME" || "$HOME" == "/" ]] ; then
>   |   if [[ `id -un` == "root" ]] ; then
>   |      export HOME=/root
>   |   else
>   |      export HOME=/home/`id -un`
>   |   fi
>   | fi
>   `----

Using `id -un` there, particularly twice, should not be necessary.  E.g.,

  if (( EUID == 0 )); then
     export HOME=/root
     export HOME=/home/$LOGNAME

> Of course running 'cd' or 'cd $HOME' or 'cd ~' changes into my
> homedirectory. But I'd like to change path already on login.

So whether HOME is set correctly (before executing the above snippet) has 
nothing to do with whether the current directory is "/" ?  I would expect 
the two conditions to be related, e.g.,

  if [[ -z "$HOME" || "$HOME" == "/" ]] ; then
     # ... export $HOME correctly, then ...

Or is there some reason you don't want to have the "cd" in the global 

> Doing something like '[ $SECONDS == "0" ] && cd $HOME' is a
> workaround but changes the working directory to $HOME any time I'm
> starting a new zsh. Am I on the wrong way?

How about something like

   if [[ -z "$ALREADY_DID_CD_HOME" ]]; then

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