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Re: a question about argument corrections

Wataru Kagawa пишет:

Hi all,

I find the 'correctall' option to be useful in most cases, except for the case described below.

zsh% ls
foo1 foo2 foo3
zsh% cp foo3 foo4
zsh: correct 'foo4' to 'foo3'? [nyae] n

The same thing happens for the mv command.

zsh% mv foo3 foo4
zsh: correct 'foo4' to 'foo3'? [nyae] n

I wouldn't want to be asked for the correction as long as foo4 doesn't exist. Is there a way to customize this so that only the first file is checked when the command is cp or mv?

Suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Wataru Kagawa

Try to turn off spelling correction for a single command, e.g.
alias mv='nocorrect mv'

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