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Re: trying to match yyyy-mm-dd what am I missing?

>I am trying to match all folders in the CWD which are in the format  
>Actually I'm just trying to match the ones from 2000 so I am using
>as my regex.
>This is my script:
>for i in *
>if [ -d "$i" ]
>     then
>         if [ "$i" = 2[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] ]
>     then
>         echo "YES: $i"
>     else
>         echo "no: $i"
>     fi
>Here are the results:
>YES: 2005-08-24/
>no: 2005-08-26/
>no: 2005-08-27/
>no: 2005-08-28/
>no: 2005-08-29/
>no: access.log/

  # mkdir 2005-08-24 2005-08-26 2005-08-27 2005-08-28 2005-08-29 access.log
  # for i in *(/); do [[ $i == 2[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] ]] && print "$i YES" || print "$i NO"; done
  2005-08-24 YES
  2005-08-26 YES
  2005-08-27 YES
  2005-08-28 YES
  2005-08-29 YES
  access.log NO

wbw, artur

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