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zsh libs


Few days ago, Nikolai Weibull told us about autoload to deal with
namespaces. I'm trying to use this tips for my own libs.

I load my new lib with autoload -U but when i execute the function for
the first time, it wasn't executed.

does anyone knows why ? 

> fpath+=$PWD
> cat ldap/new
#autoload ldap/read ldap/write ldap/new

ldap/new  ()  { print "new ..."  }
ldap/read  () { print "reading ..."  }
ldap/write () { print "writting ..." }

> autoload -U !$
autoload -U ldap/new
> ldap/new
> ldap/new
new ...
> autoload -U ldap/write
> ldap/write
writting ...


téléphone :
courriel  : marc.chantreux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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