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Re: A conditional test to see whether a function is loaded?

William Scott <wgscott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi everyone:
> I want to write a shell script that (among other things) tests to see if a 
> function foo is loaded.
> Is there something analogous to  [[ -x $(which foo) ]] that would test 
> specifically for a loaded function, or an autoloadable function, rather 
> than an executable file?

Try this:

zsh% [[ -n ${functions[promptinit]} ]] && echo yay || echo nay
zsh% autoload -U promptinit
zsh% [[ -n ${functions[promptinit]} ]] && echo yay || echo nay

Regards, Frank
In protocol design, perfection has been reached not when there is
nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
                                                  -- RFC 1925

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