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Re: zsh TZ

On Wed, 12 Dec 2007, Atom Smasher wrote:

i'm using it in a prompt <http://smasher.org/zsh/>, so i'm partial towards the more intuitive %Z form. in any case, i re-did it so it's only showing the part after the slash... ie; on some systems it will "EST" and on some systems it will show "New_York", but it won't show "America/New_York" which just takes up too much space in the prompt.

it turned out that there were a few things broken on that box... but i re-did the way my prompt shows time zones, it's now zshrc-v0.114.


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	"Military men are just dumb stupid animals
	 to be used as pawns in foreign policy."
		-- Henry Kissinger,
	Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United
	States Betrayed Its Own POWs in Vietnam

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