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dabbrev-expand with zsh

I really love dabbrev-expand from both emacs and
tcsh, and I was trying to get zsh to do the same:

zstyle ':completion:history-words:*' list no
zstyle ':completion:history-words:*' remove_all_dups yes
zstyle ':completion:history-words:*' stop yes
zstyle ':completion:history-words:*' menu no

bindkey "^['" _history-complete-older

Now this ALMOST works. The problem is both emacs
and tcsh complete on the first hit of the key, but
zsh first beeps, and then I have to hit the key
a second time to get the completion going.


> echo "plonk" > caramba
> cat ca<ESC-'> -> BEEP

If I then hit ESC-' a second time it starts going.

Any way to get it to complete on the first try?


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