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xterm meta and bindkey

hi all,

zsh 4.2.6 (i686-redhat-linux-gnu)

i want to be able to do...

bindkey -s '\M-d' 'dirs -v'

but i cant get my meta key to work.

i've setup xmodmap so it redfines the alt key as the meta-key and checked
using xev that i get what i expect.  i've also set bindkey -me and stty pass8.

when i do...

bindkey '\C-g' describe-key-briefly

then hit CTRL-g and then when it prompts me hit META-d
the response is "\M-C" is capitalize-word.

if i hit CTRL-g and META-<any key at all> i get the same (\M-C) response.

if i type 'read' and META-d i get the 8 bit character i expect echo'd.

if i type 'bash' and hit META-d i get the 8 bit character i expect echo'd.

i'm confused.  anyone got any ideas?


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