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Re: Simplest way to choose one of several commands

2009/9/8 Nikolai Weibull <now@xxxxxxxx>:
> On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 23:49, Mikael Magnusson<mikachu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> 2009/9/7 Baptiste Daroussin <baptiste.daroussin@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>> 2009/9/7 Nikolai Weibull <now@xxxxxxxx>:
>>>> Is there a simpler way of doing the following?
>>>> alias ls=${${(f)"$(whence -p {g,}ls)"}[1]}' --color'
>>>> I need to select gls, if thatâs whatâs installed, otherwise ls.  (The
>>>> code above assumes that at least ls is installed, which isnât a
>>>> problem.)
>>> all the command in path are in the associative array $commands so
>>> assuming that at least ls is in the path :
>>> alias ls="${commands[gls]:-$commands[ls]} --color"
>>> it seems simpler to me
> Ah, thanks.  I forgot about $commands.  I wish it was something
> simpler, but perhaps Iâm asking for too much.
>> Some meandering through the man page later:
>> % echo ${${:-$commands[(R)*/(ls|cat)]}[1]}
>> /bin/ls
>> % echo ${${:-$commands[(R)*/(ls|cat)]}[2]}
>> /bin/cat
> I can one-up you on that:
> $commands[(r)*/(g|)ls]
> Note, though, that neither mine nor your version chooses gls over ls
> if both are installed.  This just chooses whatever happens to be
> first, and, Iâm guessing, it will be pretty random.

Oops, in all the excitement I forgot about the actual goal of the exercise.

Mikael Magnusson

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