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noquote for quotes as in noglob for filename generation?

Hello list,

Is there an equivalent 'noquote' for quotes (as in noglob for filename

What I'm trying todo:

I have a shell script named 'sql':
that does pretty much this:

	$ cat ~/bin/sql
	<uninteresting details omitted...>
	sql_command=`noglob echo "$@"`      # Note the noglob!
	eval mysql -u $username -p$password $db "\"$sql\""

And in my .zshrc:

	alias select='sql select'
	alias insert='sql insert'
	alias update='sql update'

This allows me to run sql queries directly from zsh command line prompt without
directly invoking mysql.  The advantage is obvious: I can run sql commands
directly from zsh prompt, which gives me all the bells and whistles of command
line processing that comes with zsh (honorary mention: the _programmable_

The 'noglob' above allows me to do

	$ select * from Artist

instead of

	$ select \* from Artist

Now I want to be able to do

	$ select * from Artist where name like '%Jackson'

instead of

	$ select * from Artist where name like \'%Jackson\'

Is there an easy solution (like noglob) that I can use here?

Thanks in advance for any pointers and help.


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