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Making *<tab> show possibilities but not expand?

Hi all!

BSD (more specifically, NetBSD) ksh has a very nice behaviour that I
have been setup in zsh and couldn't.  Maybe you can help me...

Think of this situation:

    $ ls /tmp/*

I don't want * to expand to all files in /tmp, but to show me a list of
possible matches instead, likewise:

    $ ls /tmp/a*b

Should just show me a list of all matches, but don't expand it.

After playing a bit with zstyle, I discovered that I needed to:

    bindkey '^i' complete-word
    zstyle ':completion:*' completer _a_nice_completer


I took a glance at the Zsh user guide and man pages and I couldn't get
the meaning of all this.  I shall study more, but I'd like to ask you
for directions...  Any tips?


Silas Silva

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