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Re: Completion lists

Bart Schaefer <schaefer <at> brasslantern.com> writes:

> If someone builds up a useful set of these based on this example, please
> post back to the list.

Just for posterity, this is what I've using since a couple of days:

# completition list colorization (emacs style)
  [ -n "$PREFIX" -a ! -d "$PREFIX" ] && reply+=( "=(#b)${PREFIX:q:t}(?)*==1" )
  reply+=( "=(#b)(?)*==1" )

zstyle -e ':completion:*' list-colors highlight-comp

It seems to work fine for most cases. This particular code also seems to avoid
the reset bug as mentioned before (although this wasn't intended).

Is also works for in-word completions, like this:

% ls ///list<TAB>
etc/  lib/  usr/

but it's also pure chance, since PREFIX in this case seems to be "///list" which
doesn't pass the "! -d" test (which is done for simple directories). I tried to
write better code to handle this case, but "$compstate" doesn't seem to put
anything meaningful (I was expecting insert_positions to be set to something!).

Also, I could avoid the test entirely if I could set a different function when
completing arguments instead of files. How can I do this?


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