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Re: namespace completions ?

On Feb 15, 12:55am, Oliver Kiddle wrote:
} So basically, you want completion of shell functions to handle the
} beginning of the function being a variable reference in much the same
} way as is done for filename completion. By copying parts of _path_files
} to _functions, this can be done by modifying _functions as in the patch
} below.

It might be sufficient for uze's purposes to try:

_expand_command() { _expand_word || _autocd }
compdef _expand_command -command-
zstyle :completion:expand-word:expand:-command-:: tag-order all-expansions
zstyle :completion:expand-word:expand:-command-:: suffix false

Which contrary to how it reads means to allow parameters to expand in the
command position even when the word containing them has a suffix.

It's not quite the same but it might be enough.

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