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Re: cdr completion

On 02/18/2014 04:45 PM, Peter Stephenson wrote:
>> will still try to complete usernames (for the ~user home directory
>> completion), which is something I'd like to avoid.
>> Is this avoidable?
> Hmm... I think you can turn it off generally with something like
> zstyle ':completion::complete:-tilde-::' tag-order named-directories
> (allow named directories but not usernames), but so far as I know
> there's no way of doing it just after cdr.  The problem is the context
> here is a special one, "-tilde-", which replaces the normal command
> context, so it no longer cares.  This happens early enough that none of
> the special code to do with cdr is ever run.

This would be fine for me. The ~username expansion is something I never
ever used.

However the above style doesn't really disable the expansion for me.

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