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Re: Case-insensitive completion with partial substring matching

Hi Bart, and thanks for replying.

Are you saying I should file a bug with Zsh about that? If you think I can assist in debugging, maybe you could help me find the relevant portions of the Zsh code?


Nicolas Canceill

Le 7 juin 2014 à 19:54, Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> On Jun 7,  5:12pm, nicolas.canceill wrote:
> }
> } zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
> } 
> } Under the above conditions, the "bug" occurs when completing after a
> } substring prefixing the common suffix (i.e. completing after "a" or
> } "ab" or "abc", when the common suffix is "abc") will insert a letter
> } before the suffix. This letter will be the n-th character of the
> } suffix, in inverted case.
> }
> } Example: in a directory containing two files "1abc" and "2abc",
> } completing after "less a" will expand it to "abc" and then add an
> } extra "A", so the command line will look like "less Aabc".
> This is definitely a bug, and although I don't understand why it is
> happening, it appears to have to do with characters that are left out
> of the m: range in the matcher list.  E.g. if you change to:
> zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list \
> 	'm:{a-zA-Z0-9}={A-Za-z0-9}' \
> 	'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
> then the problem with digits goes away, but you can still reproduce the
> bug for files with names like "_abc" and "%abc".

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