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'login' vs 'interactive' ?

1) Can someone explain the difference between 'login' and
'interactive' in these two examples:

if [[ -o login ]]; then
  echo "I'm a login shell"

if [[ -o interactive ]]; then
  echo "I'm interactive"

2) is 'login' vs 'interactive' similar to "every square is a rectangle
but a rectangle is not necessarily a square"?

As in "Every login shell is interactive, but an interactive shell is
not necessarily a login shell"?

3) Imagine an alternate universe where zsh _automatically_ reads
~/.zshenv but NOT ~/.zshrc so you had to tell zsh to read ~/.zshrc as
part of ~/.zshenv.

Would the answer be:

if [[ -o login ]]; then
  source .zshrc


if [[ -o interactive ]]; then
  source .zshrc

or does it matter?

4) Anything else I should understand about these two?



ps - I swear I knew the answer to this at one time, but I can't
remember it, nor has Google helped me find the answer.

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