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Re: Equivalent of set -- *(DN) in sh

18.01.2015, 21:36, "Nikolai Weibull" <now@xxxxxxx>:
> Hi!
> Is there any way to get the equivalent of Zsh’s
> set -- *(DN)
> in sh?  Most important here would be NULL_GLOB, as, by default, sh
> simply leaves the * if there are no files to match.
> Thanks!

If you are OK with bash then you may use `shopt -s nullglob; shopt -s dotglob` and use `set -- *`. Note that solution posted by Roman Neuhauser does handle names with spaces and tabs, but not newlines, if you set $IFS to a newline. As-is it has problems with all characters in IFS which are not just space, but also tab and newline.

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