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issues when coloring only descriptions in menu list


I wanted to have a different colour for the per-match descriptions in the menu list, but I can't get it to work in all cases.

- start a clean shell with `zsh -f`

- execute:
 > zmodload zsh/complist
 > autoload -U compinit && compinit
 > zstyle ':completion:*' list-separator "XX"
 > zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors '=XX*=31'
 > _a () {
 >     _arguments \
 >       '(--first -f)'{--first,-f}'[first should be red]' \
 >       '--second[second should be red]'
 > }
 > compdef _a a

- try:
  - `a -<tab>`  WILL show color
  - `a --<tab>` will NOT show color

This doesn't just happen when using `_arguments`. Using `_describe` and those specific zstyle's also doesn't work.

Screenshots + more tests & examples can be found here:

Is that a bug? Am I using list-colors wrong?


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