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Re: unmatched '

On 09/03/18 07:51 PM, Ray Andrews wrote:
On 09/03/18 07:20 PM, Aaron Schrab wrote:

#!/bin/zsh -u
# Multi-color grep

__mcgrep() {
 local color=$1; shift
 local pattern="$1"; shift

 if [[ $# = 0 ]]; then
   # No more patterns, just pass through the input
   __mcgrep $((color + 1)) "$@"
 fi |
   GREP_COLOR="01;$color" grep --color=always "$pattern"

# Start with yellow, then blue, magenta, cyan.
__mcgrep 33 "$@"

Thanks, that's interesting, I'll experiment with it tomorrow.

That sure got me thinking.  At the very least I can drop 'eval' by looping:

    for file in "$@"; do
        foo=( `print -l $foo | GREP_COLOR='01;'$ccolor grep --color=always $file` )         bar=( `print -l $bar | GREP_COLOR='01;'$ccolor grep --color=always $file` )
        (( ccolor++ )) # Next color.

... it seems that one pipe at a time is fine, so rather than create the chain of pipes ahead of time, and try to pass it via $grepstring, if I just loop, everything is fine.  My entire function ends up 600 bytes shorter and the whole thing is much easier to read.

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