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A method to not leak unneeded functions

it's often the case when one declares sub-functions inside an autoload
function. The function will leak into the shell and also get redefined
on the next run of the main function. Here's a method to prevent this
from happening:

local -a entry_funs
entry_funs=( ${(k)functions} )
trap "unset -f \"\${(k)functions[@]:#(${(j:|:)${(q@)entry_funs}})}\"
&>/dev/null" EXIT
trap "unset -f \"\${(k)functions[@]:#(${(j:|:)${(q@)entry_funs}})}\"
&>/dev/null; return 1" INT

It will unset any newly detected functions at the moment of leaving of
the main function.
Sebastian Gniazdowski
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