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more splitting travails

There's nothing harder than really getting on top of splitting issues :(

I have a file with blank lines in it, I read it into a variable then pass that variable to a function " % n_list $var ".  Inside the function I assign to a local variable 'List'.  The file/variable has five lines of data and four blank lines.

    #    local List=( "$@" ) # ONE element but $List prints correctly with spaces (nine lines).     #    local List=( "${=@}" ) # FIVE elements but blank lines are gone (prints five lines).

How can I end up with nine elements and it prints correctly too? If it were a 'normal' variable I know this works:


... but:


... doesn't work and looks sick and twisted anyway.

Other various attempts give me the number of elements being the character count.  Weirdly there's places where I iterate over all the lines in 'List' and it *counts* nine, but only displays five.

I could pound away at this but I'm going to just ask the people who understand these things.

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